About Us



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Why We’re Here

The number and proportion of young Canadians without adequate and secure housing has increased during the last two decade. Despite overall gains which have improved the lives of youth, youth between the ages of 16 and 19 who lack family support remains a group at risk of developing significant problems in their physical and mental health. Additionally, they are at risk of becoming homeless.

Youth In Transition addresses the needs of at-risk or homeless youth by offering supportive living arrangement in conjunction with a program aimed at increasing their self-esteem and independent living skills. Our residence, Chrysalis House, is a place where personal safety and accessibility to employment, education, and health care are met within a nurturing family-like setting. By modelling a stable home setting where each individual is treated with dignity and respect, Youth In Transition is attempting to reach some of New Brunswick’s lost youth.

Our History

Incorporated in 1989, Youth In Transition was at first a volunteer organization. Board members concentrated their efforts of research, program development, public education and fundraising. The early goal was to develop a sustainable residence, Chrysalis House, to be operated by Youth In Transition. A residence was built at cost by the Fredericton Homebuilders Association in 1996. In the spring of 1996, NB Housing assumed the mortgage, leaving us free of debt.

Chrysalis House

What is a Chrysalis?

A Chrysalis is a cocoon, where the young and vulnerable are nurtured, developed and prepared for adulthood as a butterfly.

Get In Touch

13 + 6 =

Chrysalis House

50 Morrison Street, Fredericton, NB E3A 4M3

Telephone (For Admissions) - 506-451-4767
Telephone (For Corporate Office) - 506-451-3483

Email: info@yitfredericton.com